Sunday 28 June 2015

He was always such a nice boy -so kind to his mother...



I’m Norman, everyone calls me Norman.

No, that’s not my sporting equipment, someone left it here, I’m more of an online gaming kind of guy. You can get a lot of injuries in sports.

I have my own apartment–kind of- in the basement of a house. It’s my mom’s house actually, but it works out well, I shovel the snow, and mow the lawn and do the grocery shopping.  Mom cooks and cleans and does the laundry. It’s not weird or anything like that, she just knows how I like my underwear, and pyjamas folded so its way easier to have her do it.  We’re real homebodies, we play scrabble and watch television. We love the Church programs on Sunday mornings. Sometimes I make popcorn and we will watch a movie - if there is something wholesome on that Mom wants to see.

Yeah, I’m single. Mom doesn’t really like me dating. She jokes and says I’m too special for anyone but her! I brought a girl home once, but she had to leave really quickly after dinner. Not sure exactly what happened, I was spooning ice-cream into bowls for the three of us, and the next thing I knew, she was gone! Mom said that she just got up and left. She never returned my phone calls either. I think I saw her at the library once, but it was only from the back and she was kind of running in the other direction so it may not have been her.

That’s my dog, Ragamuffin, and my cat Ragamuffin. They were really good pets. They both died a few years ago. I was teaching myself taxidermy at the time, for a hobby, and decided that they would be my first project. I really enjoyed working with them a lot. So quiet and pliable – once the rigor mortis wore off. Sometimes I find myself petting them and talking to them, I really miss them. I’ve even put out catnip and bones for them to enjoy. I like pretending they are still alive, I guess I just hate saying goodbye…

Mom got really sick a few years ago, and I was really lonely then…. But then, well, I guess you could say she recovered? She’s doing really well now – she has colour in her cheeks, and she’s really…. animated, I guess is the best way to put it. Almost totally back to normal. I just have to watch out for moth infestations.

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